Welcome to the Dementia Category
Track Offset: 15m (50%)
Survivability under 24 hours: 95%
Survivability over 24 hours: 77%
Survivability over 48 hours: 60%
Located in a structure: 20%
Located on a road: 18%
Located in the woods: 17%
Located in a field: 14%
General Brief
Hasty search of routes

Routes to historical areas

Thorough check of boundaries

Investigation at decision points
Additional Information
Typically non-responsive

Search areas of thick foliage

Likely to follow routes and paths

Take into account the ‘ping-pong’ effect
Dementia: ‘the loss of cognitive functioning (thinking, remembering, and reasoning) and behavioural abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.’