Welcome to the Search Process Category
Typical Procedure
Need to road search identified by search management

Search management should assess the safety of the road

Search management briefs the Team Leader on the area of road that requires searching

Team Leader briefs their team

Team carries out a vehicle recce of the road section (NOT searching)

Team Leader debriefs the team on the recce and decides if it is safe to search

Team Leader briefs search management

The search only continues if the Team Leader believes it is SAFE to search

Search management and the Team Leader brief the police if required (the police have the overriding decision)

The team rehearses actions to be taken during the search

Road search is conducted

The team is to be aborted if ANY member feels unsafe

Team Leader debriefs the team at the end of the search and returns any equipment

Team Leader debriefs search management
This process is subject to variation depending on various parameters of the search.