Welcome to the Required Kit Category
Having the correct equipment when operating around water is vital:
Searching pole - these are used to not only help in the search but also for testing ground and offering additional support to safely search within the warm zone.

Helmet - the helmet you wear needs to fit correctly and you must ensure that your ears are not covered. The chin strap needs to be secured and fitted comfortably and tightly so it doesn’t come over your chin.

Throwlines - choose the throwline length appropriate for your capabilities and one that will be suitable for the environment you are searching in. Ensure this is checked thoroughly and repacked before deployment.

Life jacket - always check the packing of the life jacket and ensure that the cartridge is ready before putting it on. This will need to be fastened and remain fastened whilst searching. It is imperative that the crotch/leg straps are also fastened securely.
Below are some tips:
• Stay focused on your role

• Don’t take any unnecessary risks

• Have a torch with you, day and night

• Ensure that your boots are securely fastened

• Ensure that any loose items or PPE straps are secure

• Gloves can be a great advantage during a bank search

• Work as a team and fulfil the role you have been given

• Be alert to factors outside of your team that could impact you

• Don’t be afraid to stop and consider alternatives if something is not safe and sensible to continue
Never operate around water without the kit you need to keep yourself and others safe.