Welcome to the Medical Important Acronyms Category
ATMIST is used for casualty handover to an ambulance crew:
A (Alpha) - Age of the MisPer/casualty

T (Tango) - Time of the incident/arrival

M (Mike) - Mechanism of injury

I (India) - Injuries

S (Sierra) - Vital signs

T (Tango) - Treatment given
FLAPSWET is used for LRFR assessment:
F (Foxtrot) - Feel the chest (feel for rise and fall and/or abnormalities)

L (Lima) - Look at the chest (look for rise and fall and/or abnormalities)

A (Alpha) - Auscultate (listen to the chest)

P (Papa) - Percuss (listen for differences)

S (Sierra) - Sides and back (look and feel)

W (Whiskey) - Wounds (are there any injuries?)

E (Echo) - Emphysema (look for breathing abnormalities)

T (Tango) - Trachea (is this aligned or damaged from injury?)
LIONEL is used for contacting the emergency services:
L (Lima) - Location (what3words can be used)

I (India) - Incident (briefly summarise it)

O (Oscar) - Other services required

N (November) - Number of casualties

E (Echo) - Extent of injuries

L (Lima) - Location
SAMPLE is used in the medical assessment of a casualty:
S (Sierra) - Signs and symptoms

A (Alpha) - Any allergies

M (Mike) - Medication

P (Papa) - Past medical history

L (Lima) - Last oral intake

E (Echo) - Event leading to injury/illness
SHAPE is used for the management of dangers and the scene:
S (Sierra) - Safety and protection

H (Hotel) - Hazards

A (Alpha) - Assess the situation

P (Papa) - Prioritise

E (Echo) - Environment
THE SPIDER is used for dealing with catastrophic bleed:
T (Tango) - Tourniquet

H (Hotel) - Haemostatic agents/dressings

E (Echo) - Elevate

S (Sierra) - Splinting

P (Papa) - Packing

I (India) - Indirect pressure

D (Delta) - Direct pressure

E (Echo) - Enhanced pressure

R (Romeo) - Rest
Other acronyms can be found in the other Important Acronyms Categories: