Welcome to the Debriefing Reflections Category
Below are some important points for all members to consider after deployment:
• What you have done - reflect on the tasking that you were given and reflect on what you achieved.

• What you have seen - log and record any information that you think may assist control in further planning or any re-tasking. Make accurate notes throughout your tasking.

• When you did it - log and record the start and finish times of your sectors and also of any specific events during your overall search.

• How you did it - it is important to record which techniques were used, which track offset was followed, what spacing the team followed and even which direction the team searched from and to.

• What you can tell us - report anything you feel may help incident command to further plan or re-task. Highlight any safety issues, hazards, or even welfare issues; this could help further teams if they are tasked to the same areas.

• What you found - if anything was found you need to record and report it carefully and accurately and include any sketches produced, if appropriate.

• Sketches - always include what was found, where it was found and when it was found. What were the weather conditions (including the degree of visibility), what were the individual team member actions and what the overall team actions were, including team member’s specific whereabouts. Always remember to orientate your sketch and always draw it from your perspective only. You don’t need to be an artist.
Debriefing is an opportunity to reflect on what was achieved during the tasking.